Tuesday, June 28, 2011


hey peeps.whats up?oh nak bagi taw now i'm totally freeeeeeeeee for 3 months!yeah finally kan dapat juga cuti sem yang lama.bukan senang oh.last aku cuti lame mcm ni mase lepas spm.huh!.even lambat sebulan dari org lain but i dont careeeee as long as aku cuti lame gak.hahaha!.actually this entry aku nak cerita pasal semester 2.hah yeah currently i already finish my 1st year and tinggal 2 years before i grad.cant wait for that.i just want to get freedom from the booksssss!oh yeah.hahaha

ok now lets start it!.btw sem 2 its quite good and enjoy.yeah yeah sebab nye i more close with my classmate rather than sem 1.mase sem 1 i just friend with my gengs.hehe tapi naik sem 2 aku dah makin rapat dgn dorang.aku ingat dorang tuh berlagak and sombong and yeahhh patutla ade pepatah tak kenal maka tak cintakan. boleh bergurau senda and lepak2 lagi kan.

then.about assignment group.macam biasela every sem my group stick together which is im,tika,jiha and zati.and macam biaselah kan tiap kali buat assignment mesti ade missunderstanding but we can manage it.tuh lumrah la kan bila nak buat assignment.ada je yang tak kena kan.and haa relationship kiteorg more close.now i know we have a same taste so bila pergi shopping mmg jangan cakap la kan.kecoh 1 mall tuh.hahaha

and result for sem 2.alhamdulillah syukur pada Allah sebab makbulkan doa aku.aku just harap lulus semua subjek and impressed me sebab tak expected subjek yang rasa macam fail lulus and ada subjek yg target B je dpt A.alhamdulillah pointer aku sem ni naik.seriously masa cek result mmg nervous sgt and aku dah minta maaf kat mak aku awal2 if ada fail.mmg dengan yakin la aku fail kan tapi syukur semua lulus cemerlang.and cgpa still above 3 so my mission for another 2 years aku nak naik kan pointer until 3.5 and above so bila konvo i get 2 stars and first class honour.and the most important aku tak payah bayar pinjaman ptptn if grad cgpa 3.5.selamat gaji eden nnt.hahahaha

so tuh jela kot nak cerita psl sem 2.so just pray for another four sem.oh all the picture below were at semester 2.see ya!

community service at sg.tekala

celebrate tika's birthday

research for operation management at cache cache

bm220 girls

presentation group for subject marketing

intersesi ;)

hang out with tika after done with intersession exam

with jiha also

bm220 peace yaw!

my sweet pie nd bff forever kimah :)

p/s : sorry guys sbb entry neh quite long.dah lama tak buat entry panjang2 so teruja sikit kali ni.hehe.catch u later!

keep smiling
luv ain


  1. hye ,study katne ea ?
    i rase cam penah nampak u , just familiar =)

  2. owh , maybe ade yang same ngan u kot kat sini , i uitm seri iskandar , u stdy business ea ?
