Tuesday, July 26, 2011

hey peeps.i just wonder my heart.kenapa susah sangat nak accept orang.i dont know la why my feeling sangat tawar and tak ada perasaan langsung towards guy.its not mean i'm lesbo ok.memang tak la.hahaha.i just try myself to accept but it really hard for me to do that.until now aku tak boleh nak buka hati aku kat orang lain since i break up last two years.bukan sebab aku still love my ex but hati neh tak ready lagi.im totally dah tak ingat about him because past is past and he already have his happy life with his love.and now meeee!!whats wrong with me??????ok im still try try and try.hopefully gonna be ok soon.insyaAllah

keep smiling
luv ain


  1. same goes here lah.
    blom smpi mase.

  2. kan kan
    nape susa sgt eh nk bukak hati kt org len

  3. ouchhh i pun sama la u!!! hahaha cheers! :))
